
An Overview Of The Sentor System
Sentor is a Fully Intelligent stand alone input output controller with its own microprocessor and memory. The concept of the Sentor System is to provide a wide range of monitoring and control processing functions for ALL types of remote and local Sites.

Installing Sentor
This guide explains how to install a Sentor system. It covers the following
• Sentor GUI
• ST3000 Controller
• ST07 LCD Keypad
• ST08 LED Keypad
• ST330 Telephone Support
• ST317 General Input/Output
• Sentor Devices

Sentor Site Configuration File
This document is used when configuring a site so we can calculate how much the system will cost.

Programming Sentor
Although you can control devices directly from a keypad, the real power of Sentor is its ability to be easily programmed to automatically look after your Site. This manual explains how you program Sentor by means of scenarios,
which are simply collections of instructions.

IoT7000 Specifications
An insight into the specifications of the IoT7000

Tower Site Whitepaper
Most Tower Site operators are fully aware of the short comings of Monitoring Systems on the market that claim to monitor their equipment Alarms and deal with these issues in a timely and cost effective manner.